FEB 27, 2017
In 1899, a bounty hunter kidnapped two young boys from their home and sold them as “freaks” to a traveling circus. The albino boys—born to black parents—were touted as “Ecuadorian cannibals” and “ambassadors from Mars.” After a 28-year hunt, their heroic mom found them. Join award-wining journalist Beth Macy who wrote this amazing story in her national nonfiction bestseller, Truevine.
Guest host is John Bacon from the University of Michigan.
This event has been additionally sponsored by Boomerang Catapult Corporation.
Tickets on sale to Friends on January 4, 2017. Public on sale January 11, 2017.
$15.50 General Admission
$25.50 Reserved
$5.50 Students
Add a book from Horizon Books for $22.40, a 20% discount off the paperback price of Truevine, available now.
Buy the entire NWS season and save 20%. Contact the box office at (231) 941-8082.